Saturday, August 4, 2012

syukur nikmat Allah

life's great. Allah is greatest.he is most gracious and most merciful.he really is.

i just finish my 3rd year exam. and i passed. alhamdulillah.

alhamdulillah too my friends passed.

to those who failed,i was so touched seeing how they are so strong facing tests by Allah. Seriously.

somehow, they also passed. not of this world exam,probably most importantly, akhirat exam.congrats!!so proud of you all.

i also want to say that, those who passed also being tested. am i the one who only seeks him when im in difficult time,only when i needed Him. one who forgot when you are granted for what you wish for. please please dont be *pat pat myself,whisper to my heart*

ramadhan kareem.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

atas roda

hey,me(well im assuming no body still read my blog,hee)

well,tiada apa benda best pun yg terjadi.tapi akan terjadi bi iznillah,later lah kita cerita,k.benda2 tak pasti ni malu nak cerita awal2.

well,saja update blog.macam kereta lama xstart kan,kalau lama sangat xstart engine balik,takut rosak kan.

recently,i could feel life been better.not that life was worse previously,its just....i was so stressed, trying so hard dieting, tahan makan..jogging like everyday,kalau x jog buat heavy senam robik. i was trying really hard to be thinner..
evrytime lalu depan cermin tgok waist and hip dgn org2 lain yg dengan pakwe sendiri..pstu mencarut dalam hati bila timbang2,weyh asal berat tak turun...!#$(*^

but now,i feel better about myself,feeling more confidence,feeling healthier.

it all started since like a month or so ago, I started exercising..dulu 2minggu tu jogging lah gigih.tapi penat and costy menyusahkan orang kena naik kereta pergi Taman Rakyat. bayangkan,jogging penat2 sume muscle ache bagai,nak ward round study lg bagai,tapi berat tak turun. stamina pun tak naik mana pun.mengah gak naik tangga 3 tingkat tu.macam pehalllll.......

untill....i joined my colleagues main volleyball dekat asrama..i have always love to play volley,tapi ingat simpan interest dalam kalau ada sukma ke sea game kan,sebab xde sape main pun before nii...sekali dah main,hah kau bgun pukul 6 pagi dah xsabar nak tunggu pukul 5 petang.dalam kepala macam volley,volley,volley.adalah peluh sedikit sebanyak..stamina pun dah boleh tahan lah.naik 2 3 kali 3 tingkat tu baru semput.alhamdulillah.

and also i determine i would never care about my weight ever again,it just ruin my mood, my relationship with others..yelah badmood hari2 sebab stress. i determine to do what i like to do..persetankan sama itu berat badan die nak turun die punye pasal.hafiz pun dah stop sebut pasal gemuk kurus, and there was once, he said

"awak cantik,been always"

sape tak lantak lah die tipu ke least die ada effort nak tipu,korang ado?ha?..haha xemo...

and now dah boleh pakai baju lama,tak tahulah memang dah kurus atau mata buta sebenarnya ketat tapi tak terima hakikat wahaha

and it kinda affect my studies,as being confidence is extremely important in my school routine. saya dah tak menyorok macam dulu lagi..hooray

alhamdulillah..thus the title i am now atas roda..tapi hati dan berjaga2 bila roda nak berpusing..nanti kalau korang nampak post emo2 tu hahh maksudnya roda dah berpusing lah tu.


Friday, March 23, 2012

there were two men fighting.

Doctor is better,doctor saves life.

No,engineer is better.we save life too.

Doctor is harder.

Engineer is harrrderrr.

Well,the conversation may be seems a bit girlish.hihi sorry

But it was immature indeed.

They were both are studying in medicine and engineering.needed to be said.not a doctor or engineer just yet. that made the fight ridiculous and fuuny. not in funny haha u r so funny, it's like funny bleyh huh u r embarassing urself.

I'm afraid to say this in the social network,where everybody knows who talking about,and the person will not be happy .

I do not want anybody to be displeased. just,I do not like that kind of attitude .

I'm better than you. yada yada yada. even if u r really better than anyone,do u really need to say that to the world.tahu sendiri dalam hati sudahlah.prove it with ur actions not ur big mouth.

Oh saya pun amik medic jugak,kepada yg rasa kau sapeeee nk ckp mcm org bagus2 reti sendirilah rasa diri kerdil.dalam batch,ada lg org yg lg pandai dr aku. dlam kolej,ada senior yg lg hebat dh hbis belajar.dlam wad ada HO,doctors specialist pengarah hospital menteri kesihatan. oh my god,banyak gile yg luar negara lg caneee

Kau x buat ape pun weyh,bukan kau yg cari ubat baru.bukan kau yg first time bedah org,kenal anatomi. bukan kau yg buat researh banyak gile penat gile cari epid disease,risk factors,ways to treat

Kau sambung je pent lelah org lain,supaya bile cikgu kau xde.zaman depan nt ada lg doktor.pstu kau ajar kt junior kau supaya bile kau mati,org tahu apa nak buat.

And most of all,ada Allah yg sumeeee benda medc engineer arts account sume ilham dr die.kau sape weyhhhh.kecik gile kot,baru jee bak start.

But anyway,backing something means that it is so special and important to you.and u r not even working yet,that is something my friends.

Peace. *put peace at the end hoping people would not be mad ngeee*

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

'hey u remember afiqah?she's fatter now'

woah,ngilu rasa gigi takut benda cmtu jd.wuwuwu

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

dalam novel or movie je kalau kite xpuas hati kt org tu jerit2 perli2 sikit,nt org tu akan mcm tersedar dr lamunan pastu

"abg mintak maaf sayang abang tak sedar abang yang salah selama ni,selama ni abang tak nampak yg mana intan yang mana permata"

semua itu fantasi je ye,realiti world ni

tak kira lah kau ckp mcm mne kau jerit smpai putus anak tekak pun,orang xsedar.gaduh lah kome jdnye sampai penat sangat.nak tgglkn xkuat,nk stay penat dh,camno camno
this is not just a random thought,this is my thought for u for what has happen

some people thought they are on the right side,thus actin like they r the mangsa keadaan.well heres an advice,you still have some blame in it.

why should you think the worse of people?you might've been worse than them.

hihi emo sbb lapar xmakan satu hari.yeah,siryesly afiqahnordin xmkn lgsg hri ni,18 januari 2012.this a big deal.hnye makan 2 biji mentos dgn dua sugus.

Monday, January 16, 2012

kupon rm50 1malaysia

ok hari tu semangat dapat kupon itu..wohoo boleh jimat duit beli buku tahun depan,sebab semua buku tahun ini dah beli pun..ihsan voucher gaji bapakku..oi mahal seribu kot habis utk buku je,buku baru...bak tang cini voucher rm1000 boleh bagi?hihi ter emo plak..terharu sekejap lah kn ayah sggup nk keluar duit..pastu rse berslh sgt mintak maaf kt ayah sbb mnyusahkan,pastu ayah kata xpe,kakak belajar je,yg lain ayah fikir.*nages terharu sekarang*...pastu berazam tak nak membazir lagi...alah 2 hari je..lunch smlm kau beli ikan 2 ekor,lg satu kau buang kejadahnye.

tak tak sebenarnya nak cerita,petang dapat voucher tu pergi mph pergi borders pergi pekan buku UM gigih nak jugak beli buku aku tak kira.masa dekat pekan buku tu,cari lah buku tahun depan,pastu rasa mcm hah boleh lah ni,sekali suruh kakak tu scan,sekali rm260.nages,pastu letak balik.

tp guna jugak lah sekeping voucher beli novel kt borders.amboi kau org bg duit beli buku kau beli novel eh.kalau ada org yg ckp cmtu kn,saya ada dua jawapan.first,asal dpt voucher dh tgh tahun,semua buku dh beli.pastu lg satu,baiklah saya mmg malu sikit lah pergi borders gune kupon beli novel je wuwuwuw puas hati.
suddenly teringat pulak zaman sekolah dulu.there was a night where the exco's seniors gathered us,the naive juniors in the masjid.then,we were asked to luahkan perasaan kalau ada yang tak puas hti ke hape kn.

i couldnt really remember ape yg org lain ceritakan.ah,ape sgtlah masalah budak form 2 ada pun,merepek je kalau tak silap.well,i was busy watching someone..haha tersenyum sorang2 pulak bile teringt cerita ni.there was this senior i have my eyes on.n well that didnt go well,im not freaking beautiful anyway.aku xrugi pun xdapat kau lahhh is what i'd like to say to him today.

then suddenly,my name was called,oh oh.theres someone xpuashati dgn aku ke kn.well you all thought oh mmg patut pun fiqah@leng ni mmg suke cri gaduh dgn org pun.hihi too bad,that was not the case.

turn out,there was this guy,telling me he likes me.haha naive little boy,in my head was de fak,why are we talking about this,why is this senior dont just stop this nonsense.sgt ridiculous gile.if that guy read this,im sorry i tell people this.well,u liked me before bcz ada org kata aku suka kau kn,well that misunderstanding buat kau misunderstood.well anyway,

saje je cerita sbbnye something's happen tonight and im thinking if that session is really necessary for my friends now.and also im thinking if this kind of thing necessary for me and this someone.well,org ini xde confess benda merepek ni derr,betollah ape yg korg pk tu.i messed xnmpk cara nak betolkan sbb ego tinggi sgt.ok,dh lega boleh tido.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

there's a point in your life when you get tired of fixing everything and trying to make everyone happy. when you finally decide to quit.its not giving up. it's realizing you don't need certain people and the bullshit they bring in your life.

i am happy i am not a shadow anymore. :)