Monday, January 16, 2012

suddenly teringat pulak zaman sekolah dulu.there was a night where the exco's seniors gathered us,the naive juniors in the masjid.then,we were asked to luahkan perasaan kalau ada yang tak puas hti ke hape kn.

i couldnt really remember ape yg org lain ceritakan.ah,ape sgtlah masalah budak form 2 ada pun,merepek je kalau tak silap.well,i was busy watching someone..haha tersenyum sorang2 pulak bile teringt cerita ni.there was this senior i have my eyes on.n well that didnt go well,im not freaking beautiful anyway.aku xrugi pun xdapat kau lahhh is what i'd like to say to him today.

then suddenly,my name was called,oh oh.theres someone xpuashati dgn aku ke kn.well you all thought oh mmg patut pun fiqah@leng ni mmg suke cri gaduh dgn org pun.hihi too bad,that was not the case.

turn out,there was this guy,telling me he likes me.haha naive little boy,in my head was de fak,why are we talking about this,why is this senior dont just stop this nonsense.sgt ridiculous gile.if that guy read this,im sorry i tell people this.well,u liked me before bcz ada org kata aku suka kau kn,well that misunderstanding buat kau misunderstood.well anyway,

saje je cerita sbbnye something's happen tonight and im thinking if that session is really necessary for my friends now.and also im thinking if this kind of thing necessary for me and this someone.well,org ini xde confess benda merepek ni derr,betollah ape yg korg pk tu.i messed xnmpk cara nak betolkan sbb ego tinggi sgt.ok,dh lega boleh tido.


  1. rasenye kalo imbas blk, tringt story ko ni je la weyh. ak da x ingt ape function ak time tu.haha..

  2. tahu x ape...ape yg org lain bincg mse tu eh,haha
